Chapter 5
Terminology & Slang
The Language of Straight
In order to fully understand what happened behind the doors of Straight one must learn the slang and terminology used by the Staff and Clients. We had our own language if you will. The following are many of the terms and slang used.
5th Phaser- an Oldcomer on the last active phase of the program. A 5th Phaser stands on the side of Group overseeing the other clients in the Program. Takes requests from clients and passes those to a Staff Trainee. A 5th Phaser is responsible for seating each client in the appropriate row of the Group.
7th Step – to graduate the program.
7th Stepped- The phrase used by the Director to let the person and everyone at the Open Meeting know that a client has graduated the program. "Congratulations, you’re 7th Stepped."
7th Stepper- a person who has graduated the program
7th Step Officer- a 7th Stepper who leads the weekly 7th Step Raps. They are elected by majority vote by the other 7th Steppers. They carry a 6-month term.
7th Step Society- the group of 7th Steppers. This organization consists of Officers who lead the weekly raps. 7th Steppers who have been out of the program for 6 months or more and those who are still in after-care under 6 months.
Awareness- Being able to tell if something isn’t quite right about a client or if the client is doing okay. Seeing an opportunity to help a client out because they’ve gone through a similar situation and acting on it.
Belt looping-to hold on to a Newcomer by his/her rear belt loop. Used to prevent a Newcomer from escaping.
Books- these are the books that are used by Staff during the Homes Rap each Monday and Friday mornings. The reading of the Books is done just before the start of Open Meetings. The Staff in a ceremonial manner exits the Staff Offices and line up in front of the entire Group. Most Staff members have a book or folder in their hand. At this time all Phase changes and requests for Talk, and Talk and Responsibilities are revealed. If a client earns Talk or T & R, the group responds in unison with three short claps. If the client earns Home or 2nd Phase the Group responds in applause. The same response is given if someone makes 3rd or 4th Phase. Promotions to 5th Phase are held until the Program Director makes the announcement during the first part of the Open Meeting.
Carving or to Carve- The intentional cutting of one’s arms or other body parts. A form of self-mutilation. A client will usually carve using their fingernails and literally cut the skin. Some carvings include names, initials, symbols or pictures. It is not fully understood why a client may carve. Perhaps it is an emotional outlet. Not all clients engage in this activity. Staff would never reveal to a parent that their child is carving.
Chain of Command-The process by which questions & concerns are reported, requested, or answered. In most in Group cases the Chain of Command starts with a 5th Phaser. From there the Chain of Command goes to Staff Trainee, Junior Staff, Senior Staff, Group Staff Supervisor, Program Coordinator, Assistant Director, Director. The small pieces of paper that a 5th Phaser writes the requests on, usually from a hand held pad of paper, is also referred to as a Chain of Command. The Chain of Command is strictly enforced and severe disciplinary action can be taken against anyone who intentionally breaks the Chain of Command or who fails to pass a Chain of Command along to the next level.
Clicking or to Click- a silent form of communication between two people usually Newcomers. Can be a form of flirting between a guy and a girl. Some Clicking can result in a planned massive Cop-Out attempt in Group. (1-2-3 …RUN!)
Confrontation- Verbal assaults from the Group of clients focused on one Client. Yelling, screaming, cursing and name-calling are all part of the confrontation. This is usually done when a client is not conforming to the rules, policies and procedures of the program. Confrontations are led and monitored by at least one Senior Staff or two Junior Staff members.
Cop-Out or Copped Out- to leave the program without authorization. Some Cop-Outs are elaborate when an escape from the grasp of an Oldcomer is accomplished. Other Cop-Outs occurred from the Foster Home out of a window. Other Cop-Outs take place from cars stopped at a red light. Other Cop-outs take place from school or work on higher phases. Oldcomers have been seriously injured in some of these Cop-Outs.
Another definition of Cop Out is not taking responsibility for one’s actions or blaming others for their problems.
Crocodile tears- pretending to cry forcing out tears to convince the Group and Staff that one was getting in touch with feelings about the past or present situation when they really aren’t.
Days Frozen- a disciplinary action from Staff. A client is not able to progress on his/her program. In some cases a Newcomer may be frozen on day 13 and therefore cannot put in for a request until day 14. This could take weeks before day 14 would be acknowledged. In other cases a client may be frozen in order to keep the number of days on a phase low to prevent a client from being Started Over.
Druggie- the term to describe a Chemically Dependent client. Similar to someone admitting he/she is an Alcoholic.
Druggie Music- Music, typically rock and roll, which promotes or encourages drug use. Any music that makes the client uncomfortable.
Druggie Slang- words such as cool, dude, man, bomb, etc. Using these words was prohibited. A client was expected to learn a new set of slang in Straight.
Druggie Tie- Any item or property that reminds one of their drug using past. Pictures, concert T-shirts, record or tape albums etc. is considered a Druggie Tie and must be thrown away.
Dry Druggie-A person who although maybe off drugs, still has the attitude of a druggie. Displays of anger, disregard for rules or other peoples feelings, hanging out with druggie friends, going to places where alcohol is served etc.
Executive Rap- Raps that are led by two Executive Staff members each Monday and Friday before the Open Meeting. This is the only time Executive Staff are seen during most of a client’s time in the program.
Eye Games- most likely played between a client and their parents. Puppy dog eyes. Looking sad, or angry because they’re in the program. Trying to make the parents feel guilty and perhaps pull them out of the program.
FOS- Full of Shit. Not being honest.
Foster Brother/Sister- An out of town client (Oldcomer) living with a client (Oldcomer) that lives near the treatment area is considered Foster Brothers/Sisters.
Foster Home- A home where Newcomers or out of town Oldcomers live when not at the building.
Foster Parents- Parents who have a child in the program that is responsible for providing a place for a Newcomer or an out of town client to live.
Gamey- To flirt.
Group Staff Supervisor- Full time Staff member that is responsible to supervise the Group Staff (Senior & Junior Staff) is a graduate or 7th Stepper.
Head Games- self doubt. Assuming the worst in situations. Feeling guilty for having "bad thoughts."
Heavies- Bad or shocking news. Parents were prohibited from mentioning these types of things to their children during Mic Talk. Examples of this are death of a family member or pet. Clients were prohibited from mentioning these type of things during their 5-minute talk. Examples would be "I raped someone" or "I was restrained for three hours yesterday"
In your head- Daydreaming.
Intake- The process by which a client is enrolled into the program.
Intake Room- A small 10 X 10 room where an Intake in conducted. The room that multiple clients meet in in the morning before being escorted to the Group Room.
Introduction: Performed during Open Meetings all Newcomers in the program from 3-14 days must stand up and tell the Group and Parents their first name, age, the drugs they’ve done, how long they did drugs, admit they are a "druggie" and how long they have been straight. From there they talk about specific incidents from their past including drugs, family problems, druggie friendships, school or work issues and trouble they’ve had with the law. They must then set two short-term goals (something that can be accomplished in 24 hours or less) and one long-term goal. (Something that can be accomplished in 6 months or less) Oldcomers, usually 5th Phasers also do Oldcomer Introductions that cover the same areas but more emphasis is placed on how much better they are doing since being straight for so long.
Junior Staff- A full time Staff member who leads raps for the group. Junior Staff members are graduates or 7th Steppers of the program.
Laying your crap out on the Group- whining and complaining about something without setting goals to change it. Feeling sorry for one’s self.
Mic Talk- the time when parents talk to their child(ren) from across the room during Open Meeting. A microphone was past from parent to parent so the clients and everyone else in the Open Meeting could hear what was being said. The client is expected to stand and listen. A client cannot say anything until the parent is finished and only then can the client say, "I love you."
Misbehaving- To fight with other clients in Group. Refusing to motivate during raps or disobeying the program rules.
Misbehavior- A client who fights with other clients in Group or who refuses to get involved in raps or follow program rules.
Motivate or Motivating- to flail ones arms rapidly up and down in order to get called on during a rap session. Clients could get so motivated that they would bounce up and down in their chairs. 5th Phasers would flail their arms and jump up and down at the same time.
Newcomer- A client on the first phase of the program.
No-No’s- Items that a Newcomer is not allowed to have. For example, deodorant with SD alcohol, belts, shirts with pictures or writing, boots, jewelry, books, magazines, anything else Staff deems off limits to a Newcomer.
Oldcomer- A client on 2nd Phase or higher.
Open Meeting- Meetings held on each Monday and Friday night. Allowing Newcomers to do Introductions & parents to talk with their children. Phase changes and graduations take place during these meetings.
Open Meeting Review- The time immediately following the Open Meeting. Staff and Group members critique newcomer introductions. Other confrontations take place during this session. The most confrontive sessions held at Straight.
Pat- to relate in group but without specifics or not sharing feelings. Generalized talking.
Phaser- a client in the program.
Phoner- a 4th or 5th Phase client that answers the phone in the front lobby. Is responsible for writing messages down and passing them onto the Runner.
Pull myself- a client 18 years of age or older withdraws from the program.
Rap- a session usually lasting 2 hours. 1 or 2 Staff members lead the raps. Raps usually consist of three parts. Past, Present and Future. These raps are designed to help clients talk about their drug problem and get help in overcoming it. There are several different type of Raps. Basic Rap discuss the Steps, 3 Signs, 5 Criteria, or Serenity Prayer in great detail to help the client understand what it means and how it can be applied to their individual lives. Homes Rap is conducted on each Monday and Friday morning. Newcomers can request Talk, Talk and Responsibilities or Home. Oldcomers can put in for promotion to 3rd, 4th or 5th Phase. Morning Rap deals primarily with a clients past. Afternoon Rap deals primarily with a clients Present. The most confrontive rap of the day. Evening Rap deals primarily with the client’s future. The least confrontive of raps in a day. Rules Rap deals with specific rules of the program. 4th & 5th Phase Raps discuss issues that are prevalent to the phase.
Refresher- a disciplinary action given to 7th Steppers. They are placed back in Group for a period of time to deal with a situation that may have cause a client to nearly relapse. Some 7th Steppers are placed on Behind Group Refreshers, which require a 7th Stepper to attend a set number of evening raps. They stand behind the Group and are expected to talk about the situation that caused them to be placed on the refresher.
Relate- To talk about a specific incident during a Rap. To talk to another client in Group to let them know they understand what they are feeling or experiencing. (I can relate to that)
Responsibilities- Various chores that are done by Oldcomers throughout the day. Mopping, sweeping the carpets, cleaning the bathrooms, Runner, standing at a door, taking out the trash, Kitchen duty, etc.
Rocking Out- To play a chair or anything else like a drum. To play the air-guitar. It also meant to listen to music in your head like the song from a favorite rock band. This was a distraction for anyone around.
Runner- is a client who takes messages throughout the building to Staff members. A 2nd or 3rd Phaser usually does this task. Is the only person that can go directly to another Staff Member without following the Chain of Command. They can leave the Group room without Staff approval.
Senior Staff- a full time Staff member who leads raps, and supervises the Junior Staff. Senior Staff are more involved in dealing with the parents and disciplines the client when deemed necessary.
Set Back- when a client is moved back from one phase to another. For example a 3rd Phaser may be set back to second phase allowing them to be taken out of school.
Sponge- to take from the Group without giving back. It is believed that one should give back to the Group in the form of helping one another. Not doing so is thought of as selfish.
Staff Trainee-full time Staff member in training. Can be a 5th Phaser or 7th Stepper. Oversees the 5th Phasers and is learning skills necessary to become a Junior Staff member after they 7th Step the program.
Start Over or Started Over- Client is put back to day one and starts his/her program all over again. This can be done from any phase. Most reasons for Start Over’s are copping out or relapse.
Stash- Drugs, drug paraphernalia, weapons, stolen property that are still at a clients home. These must be reported and the parents must locate and remove them from the house before the client comes home.
T & R- Talk and Responsibilities. A Newcomer earns this when they are cooperating in Group throughout the week. It allows a client to have a 5-minute talk with their parents after an Open Meeting as well as being led around the Group room by a hand placed on the shoulder instead of being led around by the Belt loop. However, once a client leaves the Group room, Oldcomers were required to once again grab onto their belt loop.
Talk- a privilege earned by a Newcomer. Allows the client to talk to their parents for 5-minutes after an Open Meeting. These talks are limited to making direct amends for past actions and behaviors.
TBB- Talking Behind Backs- a practice strictly prohibited.
Time Out Room- A small 5X5 room in the back of Group Room. It is soundproof. Most of the time is used for loud and out of control misbehaviors.
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